domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2008

My first step towards Roth.

This morning, at nine a.m, i wake up, put my riding clothes and went for a walk. It was a cold, sunny day (the first one of the winter season, December, 21st). I went directly to Olesa de Bonesvalls, have a quick meal in a small beautiful park with 6,5 degrees celsius. Then went back through Vallirana, Cervelló, Sant Vicenç, Sant Boi and Sant Climent. It took me nearly three hours. I rode slowly because i had a meeting with two friends at 12:30. So, when i arrived home, i changed my boots and without nearly stopping - just in order to feed me a little more -, i went for a running tour till Gavà Mar. In the whole, 62 kilometers cycling and 15 kilometers running. Though it seems nothing for a lot of people, i feel now tired but happy wondering my future goal in July. I hope to improve a lot, but i only have 6 months. Have a nice day all of you!. (Mine was positive).

3 comentarios:

Richard Calle dijo...

Joder Jordi... que te ha pasao??? me ha ido bien para recordar algo de ingles pero....

Bueno, tienes tiempo suficiente hasta julio. Piensa que hasta que no queden 3, 4 meses no tienes que hacer las grandes "kilometradas" sino llegaras "torrao". De todas maneras, buen entreno!!

robert mayoral dijo...

good comment!
it's been interesting reading your post in English,
good job!

Jordi dijo...

Richard, gracias por tus ánimos (siempre son bienvenidos). Espero ir incrementando el volumen de entrenos poco a poco.

Robert, siempre estás haciendo locuras. Cuando no nadas cientos de piscinas, te entrenas para correr por el desierto...

¡Suerte a los dos con vuestras metas deportivas, y se agradece la lectura y el apoyo!.
